Apple Galette

(read in Italian) I’m using this apple galette that I’ve prepared recently to talk about FOOD & MINDSET. Starting to be more AWARE of the entire process of nourishing, means working on the connection with your body and the food that you CHOOSE to eat, but it also means that you’ll truly put into practiceContinue reading “Apple Galette”

Galette alle Mele

(read in English) Uso questa galette alle mele che ho preparato di recente per parlare di alimentazione e consapevolezza. Iniziare ad essere più CONSAPEVOLI dell’intero processo legato a “nutrirsi” vuole dire lavorare sul rapporto con il tuo corpo e con il cibo che scegli di portare in tavola, ma vuole anche dire mettere veramente inContinue reading “Galette alle Mele”

Brownies ai Fagioli Neri

(read in English) Mi piace tantissimo riuscire a condividere il momento della colazione con il mio ragazzo – purtroppo non capita tutti giorni, ma cerchiamo di fare del nostro meglio! La vedo come un’occasione per passare più tempo insieme, parlare dei nostri impegni per la giornata, e condividere una colazione nutriente… Tante volte è ancheContinue reading “Brownies ai Fagioli Neri”

How to start taking a good care of your gut

(read in Italian) There are plenty of studies that underline the importance of a healthy gut to support our health and well-being from a general point of view. Keep a few things in mind: embrace a healthy lifestyle rich in fibre, fruit, and vegetables, together with a variety of foods to get all the nutrientsContinue reading “How to start taking a good care of your gut”

Brownies with Black Beans

(read in Italian) Love when I can manage to share a nice breakfast with my better half – unfortunately, it doesn’t happen every day. I see that as a chance to spend some extra time together, talk about the day ahead, and share nourishing food… or even try new recipes! This is what happened withContinue reading “Brownies with Black Beans”

Whole grain scones and Raw Raspberry Chia Jam

Before moving to Ireland, I never had a scone before… but they are such a lovely idea for breakfast or brunch that after trying them a couple of times, I ended up experimenting at home with several combinations. I always use whole grain flour as a base, but all the other ingredients are different everyContinue reading “Whole grain scones and Raw Raspberry Chia Jam”

Chickpea Flour and Kefir Pancakes

It’s that time of the year once again, the Carnival season is almost at the end and most of us are getting ready for Pancake Tuesday or Fat Tuesday (depending on where you live). From my point of view, pancakes should be something that you can easily cook and fit into your healthy lifestyle: in suchContinue reading “Chickpea Flour and Kefir Pancakes”

Mince Pies

(read in Italian) It’s that time of the year, the festive season is in full swing and I’ve made some mince pies! I have finally decided to make my own version of these cute little tarts and share it with you. I love to create and publish real recipes from my kitchen, so they needContinue reading “Mince Pies”