Pesto con Kale e Basilico

(read in English) Estate significa abbondanza di basilico fresco… quale modo migliore di utilizzarlo se non preparando un po’ di pesto? Per quanto mi piaccia quello tradizionale con formaggio e pinoli, mi annoio anche facilmente e mi piace dunque sperimentare un po’ in cucina con nuove ricette! Questa, ad esempio, è incentrata su basilico, kaleContinue reading “Pesto con Kale e Basilico”

Kale and Basil Pesto

(read in Italian) Summer means plenty of fresh basil available.. and what a better way to use it than making pesto? I like the traditional one with cheese and pine nuts, but I get bored easily so I always like to get creative and try new food combinations. This recipe calls for basil, kale, andContinue reading “Kale and Basil Pesto”

Talking about FODMAPS

WHAT ARE FODMAPS? Fodmaps are short-chain carbohydrates that some people poorly absorb and digest => so in some people, they can cause digestive issues and aggravate the symptoms of conditions like IBS (for these individuals the fodmaps pass through most of the intestine remaining unchanged). WHAT DOES FODMAPS MEAN? FODMAPS = Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharidesContinue reading “Talking about FODMAPS”